
zondag 4 september 2016

Ulmus Procera project

The 'Ulmus that could never satisfy me' has finally been transformed in a big project. This year I allready airlayered it, and this has succeeded very well. There are plenty of new roots and at the new root'base' (airlayer spot) there allready is visible swelling/thickening.
Next spring it will land in my garden, probably in the ground but lifted up in a wooden box surrounding it to better control rooting. For what I intend to realize with this tree I need a trunk size of 2 to 3 times the size it is now. So, strong and uncontrolled growth will be needed, but I will try to realize this only with sacrifice branches in the top because this 'top' will become dead wood again later on. I made a very quick ballpoint-virtual, and used mainly the existing branches. These branches are very flexible still and when planted out next spring the will allready get guy wires or limited wiring to get a good start (which will be removed as soon as possible again).
Walter Pall would perhaps call my virtual a 'fairy tale style' but I like to call it grotesk realism (referring to Bachtin and Rabelais), just like some ancient veteran trees...

Timing? Thickening it enough for my purposes will take anywhere from 3 to 5 years? Another 5 years to further build branches? Time is on my side...yes it is.